Vodafone shares turn higher on Softbank report - traders


Published Sep 03, 2014 04:55

Vodafone shares turn higher on Softbank report - traders

LONDON/TOKYO (Reuters) - Vodafone Group PLC (L:VOD) shares turned higher late on Tuesday, with traders citing a Nikkei report suggesting the British mobile operator may become a takeover target for Japanese telecoms firm SoftBank Corp (T:9984).

A Vodafone spokesman said the company had no comment. A SoftBank spokeswoman also declined to comment.

Vodafone shares closed up 1.1 percent at 208.90 pence, having traded as low as 205.50 pence earlier on Tuesday.

SoftBank shares were unchanged at 7,542 yen in Wednesday morning trade in Tokyo, compared with a 0.8 percent rise in Tokyo's benchmark Nikkei average (N225).

A Monday story in the Japanese-language Nikkei Business Daily on possible SoftBank acquisition targets quoted an unidentified executive as acknowledging that a Vodafone acquisition was the type of bold move that SoftBank's acquisitive CEO Masayoshi Son might consider.

"Oh, a Vodafone acquisition! That's just the sort of thing that someone like our CEO might do. Among other things, it's a company we're familiar with," it quoted the executive as saying.