Europe could experience warmer than normal April-June, says Weather Company


Published Mar 22, 2021 15:36

LONDON (Reuters) - Large parts of Europe could experience warmer than normal temperatures from April to June, the Weather Company said in an outlook on Monday.

The Weather Company, owned by IBM (NYSE:IBM) Corp, provides weather forecasts aimed at the commodities and energy markets.

It said forecasts suggest April could be warmer than normal across Northwestern Europe and cooler than normal in Southern (NYSE:SO) Europe.

Looking forward to the summer months, recent climate trends and models suggest cool, wet and windy conditions across northern and western Europe and hot and dry conditions in southern-eastern Europe.

However, soil moisture looks plentiful heading into spring and although it is early, this could limit hot weather this summer.

Seventeen of the past 23 summers have had a negative North Atlantic Oscillation which resulted in wet, cool summers in Britain and Western Europe and hotter, drier conditions in Southeastern Europe, the Weather Company said.

Notable exceptions to this were in 2018 and 2018, it added.