Wheat’s Charts Suggest A Rally As Putin Sends Russian Farmers To War

 | Sep 28, 2022 09:46

  • Wheat jumps 1.5% right after Putin drafts Russian farmers for Ukraine war
  • Market up for second straight month, rising 7% from July’s close.
  • Global grains data shows world heading for tightest inventories in years
  • Wheat prices jumped Tuesday after President Vladimir Putin said farmers were among Russians being drafted to fight the war in Ukraine. 

    By Wednesday’s European session, however, the market was trending between flat and negative, raising questions as to whether the 1.5% rally from a day ago had legs. 

    Putin’s Ukraine-mobilization plan involving farmers fundamentally poses risks to the 2023 wheat crop in Russia, the world's largest exporter of the grain. 

    To be sure, Putin told a televised meeting on Tuesday that Russia was on track to harvest a record grain crop of 150 million tonnes, including 100 million tonnes of wheat, in 2022.

    Despite that, global grains data shows the world heading toward the tightest grain inventories in years even with the resumption of exports from Ukraine. Data shows that shipments are too few and harvests from other major crop producers are smaller than initially expected.

    Autumn, meanwhile, is a busy season for Russian farmers as they sow winter wheat for the next year's crop and harvest soybeans and sunflower seeds. Winter grain sowing has already been significantly delayed by rains.

    Poor weather in key agricultural regions from the United States to France and China is also shrinking grain harvests and cutting inventories, heightening the risk of famine in some of the world's poorest nations.

    The contrasting fundamentals have turned traders’ attention to the third force in the trade: charts.