This Could Be The Best Fund For An Up-Down-Up-Down Market

 | Sep 18, 2020 08:52

This post was written exclusively for

You do not buy a quality long/short fund for thrills and spills. Robinhood gunslingers would likely find the JP Morgan Opportunistic Equity Long/Short Fund (JOELX) boring. Someone of a different bent would call it sane.

In the best of markets, there are some company’s shares that deserve to be sold, or even shorted. In the worst of markets, there are those that are begging to be bought.

The same is true of sector rotation. It is here that the very best of the long/short funds thrive and rise above the rest. They do not necessarily have to short shares to do so.  Let us say, for example, that a long/short fund decides to buy all sectors of the S&P except, say, Energy and Financials.

In 2020, relative to the S&P 500, which is comprised of 11 sectors, including energy and financials, if a fund had zero holdings in Energy and Financials and placed their funds equally in the other 9 sectors, they would have far outperformed the benchmark S&P.