Events Near Iran Weigh On Risk Appetite

 | Jun 14, 2019 12:25

  • We're seeing markets broadly in the red around the globe on Friday with traders continuing to respond to developments in Gulf of Oman, as the US doesn't hesitate to point the finger of blame at Iran.

    Equities have been on a good run the last couple of weeks, ever since the Fed assured investors that it wasn't just going to sit back and watch the economy slow before its eyes. The rally has slowed paused this week, with the latest heightened geopolitical risks naturally weighing on risk appetite, albeit without dragging too heavily on stocks.

    h2 Oil remains elevated but traders not getting carried away/h2

    Oil prices remain elevated on Friday, with tensions heightening after the US blamed Iran for the attack on two ships in the Gulf of Oman. It may not come as a surprise that the Trump administration has directed the blame Iran's way given that it was also blamed for sabotaging ships in the region last month, not to mention that it took place off its coast and the country has a motive to do so.