How Will BoE Respond To Latest UK Developments?

 | Jun 15, 2017 06:21

BoE Adds Hung Parliament to List of Economic Uncertainties Days Before Brexit Talks Begin

The Bank of England announces its latest monetary policy decision on Thursday at a time of significant uncertainty for the country. A hung parliament in, what was, an entirely unnecessary snap election was the worst preparation for Brexit negotiations which are due to begin next week.

BoE policy makers will meet on Thursday to discuss another possible problem facing the country during all of this, rising inflation. In fact, rising prices are largely linked to the above problems, with the UK's vote to leave the EU a year ago triggering the substantial depreciation in the pound that drove up the cost of goods from abroad.

Policy makers must now determine whether the factors that drove inflation well beyond its 2% target are just temporary or represent a longer term challenge for price stability. With headline inflation at 2.9% in May and core inflation slightly lower at 2.6%, the decision for the central bank is not as straightforward as it would like during what is already a complicated time for the country.

Especially when growth is already slowing and the consumer – a hugely important part of the economy – is feeling the pinch.