Gold Outperforms as Inflation Trade Drops

 | Mar 17, 2023 17:11

Inflation trades are fading and gold (NYSE:GLD) is ascending to its rightful place in the disinflationary macro.

The favored plan is working out well as we planned the Q4 (2022) – Q1 (2023) rally back in November, and as lumpy as it has been, it is intact to this day. Amid the fade in inflation trades, our projected leadership (Tech and Semi, amid a disinflationary interim Goldilocks theme) is fully intact as well.

But what about gold in this disinflationary period? Goldilocks is not typically friendly to the metal that represents retained “value,” as a Goldilocks economy can burp up plenty of speculative opportunity elsewhere. Well, note the word “interim” before the word “Goldilocks” above. This is not expected to be the 2013-2019 period that became a full-fledged macro phase. It’s interim, temporary and maybe a nice opportunity for the bear market to suck in a lot of FOMOs (I am long key Tech stocks and even QQQ, but not as an investor).

So have a look at gold laboring along in Tech terms with the GLD/QQQ ratio. That, folks, is what we call an intact uptrend. Gold is a full participant in this pleasantly disinflationary phase because in my opinion, it will not be pleasant for a full cycle (e.g. 2013-2019). Rather, I expect Goldilocks to fail after a much-needed and anticipated rally in Tech as Tech leadership terminates one day at higher levels. Gold is simply marking time, which is what the metal has done for time immemorial.