Chart Of The Day: Is Yesterday's S&P 500 Collapse A Buying Opportunity?

 | May 30, 2018 15:01

The S&P 500 index tumbled yesterday, the most in more than a month. The drop was led by Financials after slipping yields suggested that rates (which are the bread and butter of banks) would not rise more than at a gradual pace, confirming the recent Fed minutes. Another headwind to the financial sector is the European debt crisis which is threatening to spread to other parts of the globe.

More bad news also weighed on US markets when the the US blindsided China by announcing it was resuming its efforts to raise tariffs on Chinese imports, restrict sensitive US technology and shorten visas for some Chinese citizens, just ten days after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the US and China will put the trade war on hold.

China responded that it would defend itself, threatening a counter trade-based attack.