2016 Year In Review: Investing.com Comics Edition

 | Dec 30, 2016 05:36

Without doubt, 2016 was the year of the big surprise. Or to be more accurate, surprises.

The biggest surprises were the Brexit decision in late June, when—despite all expectations to the contrary—the UK electorate voted to leave the EU, sending markets into a tailspin for a few days while pushing sterling lower. Then, just when markets appeared to have regained their footing, the U.S. electorate provided the next, possibly even bigger curveball—the unexpected election of Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States.

The Fed didn't hike rates four times as they'd suggested at the end of 2015, but rather held off till December before raising interest rates just once in 2016. And oil surprised by heading lower and lower, hitting it's lowest level since May 2003 in February—$26.21bbl. And U.S. markets provided some surprises of their own, with a number of indices reaching all-time highs more than once during the year.

There were a number of other events that surprised investors as well to round out the 2016 market year. As we bid goodbye to 2016, we thought it might be fun, even interesting, to take a look at the past year through the prism of Investing.com's weekly comics. Below, 14 comics and the events that were the highlights of our year.

1. January 13: Oil futures fell below the $30-level to hit a 12-year low in early January, as concerns over a global supply glut dragged down prices.